Maccharini Creative Design with the Metal Arts Guild Presents: Homage to Ancestors

Homage to Ancestors - Opening Reception Friday May 4, 2012 6-9

Please join us for this exciting exhibition in homage to artists that range so widely from Art Smith, to Alexander Calder, to Dr. Seuss.  These talented metalsmiths have summoned their skills, the tricks and trades of their artistic ancestors and in respect and discovery, have re-imagined work from artists of the past- whose practices, innovations, experiments, struggles and movements undoubtedly have come to inform their own.

The works are at once whimsical, earnest and poignant. We couldn’t be more thrilled to bring together such an awe-striking group of artists and metalsmiths, who have created works in grief, celebration, anger, awe, beauty and laughter. We are reminded, that among other influencing factors- the work of the artist is hugely informed by the discoveries, styles, tricks and trades of their mentors, the techniques and innovations of the mentors who came before, and all the experiments, struggles and movements which resulted from such practice and dedication.

Participating Artists: Shana Astrachan, Betsy Barron, Suzane Beaubrun, Sandra Bradshaw, Sydney Brown, Ani Ghajanian, Julie Jacobs, Ed Lay, Fran Grinels, Daniel Macchiarini, Emma Macchiarini Mankin Morris, Carolyn Moore, emiko oye, Chrystal Powell, Jenny Reeves, Madeline Salsich

"Guff Cuff" by Ed Lay- inspired from Dr. Suess

To RSVP via Facebook, please visit HERE!

To find out more about the Metal Arts Guild, please visit their website HERE!

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A sneak peek at some of the amazing work and inspirations from the show:

Madeline Salsich made work inspired by the beautiful and florid designs of Rene Lalique.

Suzane Beaubrun was inspired by Ruth Asawa